In the previous post we saw what is law and international law.Now we will get to know what is intellectual property and its international aspect.Intellectual property is an area where every business is rushing to protect , either it is an MNC or SME or R&D etc. Intellectual property is now prevailing almost in all kinds of things that we use in our day to day life for eg. be it a mobile,TV, noodles,apparel,pen,pencil and the list is endless.Earlier "intellectual property" was commonly known as industrial property. It was in the late 19th century that the term intellectual property replaced industrial property which was coined by Josef and Edmond Picard.It is called as intellectual property since such property is created by a human mind or intellect.Lets explore briefly as to what is property before getting to know what intellectual property is? Property means one which confers bundle of rights through ownership and possession and there is also exclusive right over such ...